Wednesday, September 06, 2006


School is a pain. The teachers are strict and sometimes even act like your parents but some teachers can be nice. Tests. Exams. Whatever you want to call them are also always a pain. Now I know all of you readers have taken a test before and I also know how you feel when you ace the test or finish it knowing that you only missed one question. It is a great feeling but don't you think that you should be able to retake tests every once and a while? I don't normally bomb tests but when I do I am completely mortified. Some people love school and I am one of them. A's and B's are usually my grades on the report card but I have gotten a C in the past.

My parents were both math teachers for a high school that is only 30 minutes away from the turn off and they do know a lot of stuff but I hate that they help me. I don't know why I hate them when they help me but most of the time it turns into an ugly situation. Currently, I have a math grade of 88% out of 100. Duh. I should be doing better but I think it is partly because I sit in the very back. Don't blame me for this situation! She assigned us seats! I hate all forms of math but I do love to go to school and I plan on going to a University.

1 comment:

Why Cant I Drive 55? said...

hahahahahah I have a 89%