Friday, August 25, 2006

Giant Otters

Just a couple of days ago I was watching a new show on Animal Planet There was this guy named Nigel and he was feeding these giant otters. Giant Otters are named Giant Otters for a reason. These arn't your normal fuzzy little 2 foot long otters. These otters can and do grow up to 6 feet long! Well anyway this Nigel dude was feeding them with his hands. What an idiot. These otters are carnivores and the Nigel dude said that hee has seen them bite each other in half when they don't get along or when another otter comes into their territory. These otters are like something you would see in a sci-fi movie if you know what I mean. Headline " Giant Otters Attack! " I would definetly see that. As I said these otters can grow up to 6 feet long and on average, weigh up to 70 pounds. They live in southern America along the amazon. Has anyone noticed that everything around that area is ether dangerous or 60 feet long? Maybe it is just me. These Giant Otters will eat 10 pounds of pirahana every day and just to show you how tough they are these otters occasionely take down a crocodile. That's just nuts.
These animals are on the Endangered Species List and are in critical need of conservation. These otters are the rarest of all otters and people barely get to see them because they live in very remote areas very far away from humans. During the 70's, these animals were hunted down and killed for their soft, lucious coat. Although there is a stable population now the are on the brink of exstiction.
Can you beleive that us humans are wiping out different species of animals one by one? I am appauled by our behavior. Maybe we can help these animals with in the state, city, or town. Along with many other animals , the Giant Otter my become exstinct.

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