I don't know about you but I hate the idea of being forced to take a test the next day. Tomarrow I have a history test but I think I'm prepared. Do you hate tests if so comment.
I love to play baseball with my friends. Baseball is my passion and I can play very well. I love to go to the movies and hang out with my friends on weekends, but don't we all? So tell me do you like sports? I do, and I can play most of them pretty well. Except volleyball, I can and do play most sports. I'm terrified of sharks, and getting in a car accidents for reasons know. Sharks are just plain creepy. They are the things that make our spine tingle. Car accidents is a whole different story. I got in a car accident this year going to school and I've been petrified ever since. Don't you love being paranoid? As I said i love sports and I also love animals. My favorite type of animal is a snake. Most people don't know this but I sometimes dream of working with snakes. I love to watch Cobras and Vipers kill mice on T.V. I don't like to watch things die but it can be cool. Not cool in a way that you walk up to your mom on her deathbed and laugh in amusment, but the cool that makes you think. That's pretty much me in a limited amount of characters so bye!
Don't hate them if I'm prepared...
I always hate them!
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