Sunday, August 27, 2006

Grizzly Bears

Grizzly bears used to be native to the Pacific coast but they have all been hunted down and killed in recent memory. Also naive to Asia, Africa, and Europe these huge bears roamed all over the world. Now confined to living in Alaska, Wyoming, and parts of Canada these Grizzly bears have been on the brink for a very long time. There is about 6,000 to 12,000 left in the wild in Canada. Did you know that only 15 pencent of their diet is meat? The rest of their diet consists of berries, herbs, roots, and plants. known for their greatfishing skills, these Grizzlys love to also eat salmon.

The Grizzly bear has a weight range of 300 pounds to 1500 pounds. The bears are huge. Compared to a regular black bear these bears are killer in size. Just seeing once might give you a heart attack. To catch their food they run at a speed of 35 miles an hour. If one attacks you, running will not save your life, you would probably die. The best thing to do is to cover your vitals and head. This could very well save your life some day.

These amazing creatures need coservation and maybe a little help with their enviornment. This big and hairy creatures need our help, period.

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